Estabelecer uma rotina coerente é tiro certo pra se alcançar metas. Reserve um tempo para cada coisa em sua agenda: negócios, desenvolvimento pessoal, lazer…

It is with pleasure that I announce that I’ll be a judge at the 2021 Voice Arts Awards! For anyone who is interested in submitting work in the Voice Arts® Awards please visit the following link for more information:

The rich attitude goes dig the gold. The poor attitude complains about the shovel’s price. What are you gonna do with your life to reach the gold?
The best protein blend I ever had! Do you want 25% off? I can share my discount!
Little secrets…
A good way to start the day. Immune System Company supplements. Do you wanna know more about it?
After more than 1 year in “home mode”, we’re back to the office Angel Studios #movingforward
All for a character! #thechosentvseries #thechosenseason2
Take note: Easter, The Chosen Season 2 will be available! #thechosenseason2 #thechosentvseries #thechosen @thechosentvseries @thechosenfansbr
Lend your voice.
Por isso poucos empreendem e muitos desistem… empreender é encontrar soluções para o “impossivel”
Some inspiring view from my window to work… #winter #mountains
Daily discipline defines your destiny. Dexter Yager
É uma questão de perspectiva. Você pode transformar ocasiões em oportunidades.
Mission accomplished! Now, time to fill ourselves… Thank you Texas!
10 de fevereiro
Behind that smile I’m like… “hummm… why I forgot my Speedo?”
Prescription for love
Neste 2021, que vc olhe para frente e, mais importante: SIGA EM FRENTE!
Só quero te lembrar que cuidar bem da imunidade é a melhor maneira de se proteger de 2 de cada 3 doenças ou ameaças.
And the Christmas tree became gorgeous!
Happy birthday Joey Vahedi! It was a pleasure to meet you!
When the wise man points to the sky, the ignorant is watching the wise’s finger… and probably will complain about the rings.
To never compare my backstage with someone else’s stage, belittling what I’m achieving.
Family… for me, it is a great reason and motivation to #givethanks
I’m grateful for these two amazing people who brought me into this world and did nurture me with love and righteous principles!
Like a Boss
My party side! #music #dj
And he thought “He really is more than just a man…” Watch The Chosen:
Some people are asking what I’m doing to lose weight and keep my health in shape. Well, have you heard about TransferFactors?